The Quick Version
if you're in a hurry or if you're high Hustler, Mover or Politician - not sure which
style you are? About the 7 styles
Empathy Management Training & Courses Programme
An effective course in people management
A 2-day Management Training Course where you will........
- Learn the secrets of how to successfully manage people with different temperaments - even the difficult ones!
- Understand what 'makes people tick'
- Learn about your own management style - the good bits and the bad! And how you can successfully integrate your style
- Uncover the hidden motivating desires of people
- Realise how to get the best from your team
A uniquely powerful 2-day course in management which gives managers training in people skills. In this management training course managers learn how to use the naturally different temperaments of their staff members to produce outstanding results. This is one of the few courses in management which gives managers and leaders an accessible and practical tool to deal with people - even the difficult ones! It's a management training course which teaches managers how to use their Emotional Intelligence in management. It does this through managers learning the Empathy Styles model - how to 'read' the unique personality of their staff members, peers and more senior colleagues, and then using that knowledge how to create a more effective management approach. From this management training course, your managers will gain the tools to deal with the 'difficult' members of staff that others shy away from. For in-company management courses we include appropriate team activities to aid the learning.
Client Testimonial
"An excellent programme. Very thought provoking and a practical way to improve your management style and relationships" Training and Development Manager, Chiltern International
How long?
2 days
How much?
£895 plus VAT per person - 10% discount available for booking more than one person on each course
London - Date TBA
Edinburgh - Date TBA

The Detailed Version
if you want to drill down into content or if you're high Normal, Double-Checker,
Artist or Engineer. About the 7 styles
Empathy Management Course - a uniquely effective course in people management
Client Testimonial
"Strong, professional course that would benefit any experienced manager's working style" Senior Business Development Manager, Science Museum Solutions
This unique management training course will show you how to adapt your management style to manage and lead your team more effectively. It will show you how to get the best from people, even the ones who seem difficult to motivate or to communicate with. If you've been managing for a while then you've probably realised that not everyone responds to your style in the same way. This programme will give you valuable insights into people - what they need and how to provide it. You will gain some real 'ah ha's' into your team. Why for example, the most active person in the team does not always get things done. Or why the person who nit-picks all the time can be the most positive person in the team.
Managers with good people skills seem to understand through intuition, experience and training that people are different in the way they see the world and therefore need to be managed differently. Inexperienced managers might well say life would be a lot easier in a world where people always act rationally and made decisions based on information and logic. But real life is not like that - we are often not logical in our behaviour. Our emotions play an important part in how we look at things, how we deal with issues and how we relate to other people.
The two or three dominant desires of most people are hidden, but the ways we talk, dress, buy, choose our employers and employees, and treat other people, provide significant clues. By gaining insight and adjusting our behaviour accordingly, we can dramatically affect our own people skills, improve the performance of our staff, and how we communicate with others in the business.
This technique, which is based on psychometric theory and observation over the last 90 years, has only recently become available to those of us outside the realms of industrial psychology.
It is the manager's answer to two questions, 'Why do people do what they do?' and 'How can I influence them positively?' And if you're running a team then your results will depend on you creating the right team activities for your team. It is a management training course that shows managers how they can develop their emotional intelligence in management. It is an extraordinarily powerful yet simple concept that is easy to grasp, fun to learn, psychologically valid and practical and effective to put into action.
Experienced managers and directors tell us that one of the challenges they face in training junior managers and team leaders is how to transfer their own knowledge of people, which they have gained over a lifetime in management. Empathy Management is the answer because it gives them an easily-understood framework for describing people and how to deal with them. So that even junior and relatively inexperienced managers and team leaders will gain skills that they didn't realise were possible at their level.
Who will benefit?
- Supervisors
- Team leaders
- Managers
- Sales Managers
- Directors
- Business Owners/Leaders
Client Testimonial
"The first surprise was how the Senior Management were incredibly frank and open about themselves..... we learnt to appreciate each others' strengths more and are still benefitting from the training eighteen months on" Senior HR Manager, Kawasaki Motors UK
What Will You Gain?
You will learn:
- How to quickly assess different individuals' temperaments
- To uncover the hidden motivating desires of people
- Why people react to the same work environment differently and what environments may frustrate them
- To acquire the skills of handling different types of people in situations of praise, criticism and seeking co-operation
- To analyse your own management style and gain some understanding of strengths and weaknesses, and what you can do about that
- A new set of skills with which to manage your people and the interactions with your customers and peers more effectively, leading to more success, more achievement and less frustration.
Topics You Will Cover During the 2 Days
Introduction and Objectives
In this first section we tell you about the course and how it will run over the 2 days. Very importantly we get to know why you're on the course, what you expect to gain, and something about your own organisation. This helps us to adapt the course to your needs as it progresses.
Background to the Empathy Styles model - how and why it works
You will understand why this powerful and practical management tool works as it comes from a fully validated psychometric
The challenge of relationship with people very different from us
Identifying your important business and personal relationships. Appreciate the challenge of working with people who are very different from us. Realise the benefit of working differently with people.
Understanding the 7 Empathy Styles
Get to grips quickly in the first morning with the 7 Empathy Styles - what they mean - how they determine people's behaviour - the strengths and weaknesses of each style - what each style will respond to and what puts them off!
Understanding the similarities and differences between the styles
Drive your understanding of the 7 styles deeper by knowing how each one is both different from and similar to the others.
How to spot the styles in others - quickly
Learn to use TOPDOG - our unique 6 step process to quickly read another's personality. The group meets 2 people, new to the group, to discover for themselves how easy it is to identify others Empathy Style on first meeting. Discover the 4 times when you can get to know someone else's style and how to test your reading.
Identifying your team
Use your learning of the 7 styles to identify your team and your customers' personalities - realise how easy it is to read them when you know what you're looking for. Realise which team activities are good for the team and which turn them off. Begin to really appreciate - at a psychological level - why you get on better with some than others and what you may need to change in your approach.
Building Rapport with them
Getting in step with your team and your colleagues is crucial to running a successful department. By this time you will know what and how much 'rapport' each style needs. You have a natural way of relating to people - in this session you will realise why sometimes it works and why sometimes it doesn't. More importantly you will learn how to modify it so that you can get 'in step' with people faster.
Communicating and Working with the different styles
Beyond Rapport comes the working relationship. The challenge each of us faces is how to communicate and work with the different styles - what each style needs and how to provide that for success. In this session you'll discuss the temperaments of your own team members, others in your business and your customers; and what you need to do differently.
Day 2
Review of learning
Review and reinforce what you've learnt so far and what you've realised overnight about your own and others' styles.
Effect of a low score with each style
One of the unique points about the Empathy model is that the LOW styles of each person can sometimes be as important as the HIGH styles in determining their behaviour. So you will learn in this session about how to judge the low styles in your team members and what that can mean in terms of your communication.
Combinations of styles
Each of us is a mixture of styles - some of us will have as many as 4 styles scoring 'high'. Some of these styles 'combine' easily in our personality to produce an enhanced and complementary result. Other styles will conflict with each other producing a different result. In this session understand how 'combinations of styles' works, and why it's important to know the Empathy Style combination of the people you work with. Learn how to read this combination and how to respond with the appropriate communications or motivational approach.
Review your own profile and that of your team members
Now we've worked on Combinations, it's time to have another look at your own profile again - to check that you've got it about right. And also look again at the team. And in helping you to understand your own behaviour preferences through your Empathy Styles profile, this session drives your understanding of the model and therefore that of your staff deeper still.
A powerful session in which you will get several 'ah ha's' about the way you normally communicate with words as well as your body language. You will also realise how you can make some simple changes to become much more effective with people of different Empathy Styles.
One of the keys to successful management is the ability to delegate effectively. This means knowing the difference between 'micro-management', where detailed instructions are given at each stage, right through 'effective delegation' to 'abdication' where the manager lets his/her people get on with whatever they want to do with no control or monitoring! Effective delegation is sometimes referred to as Empowerment because you are empowering your staff to do what needs to be done.
In this session you will practice delegation to 'team members' with different Empathy Styles. This means thinking through the steps of effective delegation and then practicing changing your approach. Much of the power in this session is the feedback you will receive from your colleagues in the class.
Management Style
Now you've had the chance to get some feedback from the delegation exercise on the way you communicate and delegate, it's time to have a look at your own management style from an Empathy Styles viewpoint. Understand, in this session, whom you're likely to get on with and whom you're likely to upset. With a partner, work out what management/leadership style you think works well for your team and what team activities you could introduce for better working. Finally in this section, decide what could be either strengthened or reduced in terms of your style for better results and less stress, for everyone!
Particular Team or Individual Issues
Most managers will have particular people in their team whom they don't understand or with whom they have 'issues'. In this session we ask you to identify a couple of these people, if you have them, work out if the issue is being driven by their temperament, and then discuss how you could use your understanding of the Empathy Styles model to reduce the effect of the problem.
Creating the best environment
Take part in a discussion about the best environment for each Empathy style. Have a look at your own team's environment and how conducive it is for best results given the Empathy styles of your team members.
Planning to put it into practice
The 2 days will have gone quickly. You will have gained a lot of insight and, importantly, a lot of skill as you've practiced with your colleagues the various elements of the course. And now it's important to create a plan of what you'll do tomorrow and the next day - how you plan to continue the changes that you have begun to make. Plan At the end of this session you will have a plan to work to. You may not work well with 'plans', so whatever works for you, we will work with you.
Evaluation, Certificates and Close
At the end of the course you'll receive a certificate of completion. And you'll have a chance to tell us what you think of what you've learned. Not that we're looking to influence you, of course, but our experience is that most participants will rate us at the minimum of 5 out of 6 for this programme!
What's the financial investment? £895 plus VAT per participant - 10% discount available for more than one participant on the same course.
What's included?
2 days of interactive training with an experienced Empathy Management Trainer
Over the 2 days practical guidance and tips on participants' real management issues
A helpful workbook and an easy-to-use reference manual
All refreshments and lunch for both days
A certificate of completion
Unlimited email or phone support from the Empathy Styles training team following the training
London - 20/21 October 2011
Edinburgh - Date TBA
09.00 to 17.00 both days
How much?
£895 plus VAT per person - 10% discount available for booking more than one person on each course