About the 7 styles
We all have a mix of these 7 styles - some are strong, some average,
some weak. Find out which styles you may be strong in.
The Empathy Styles model consists of 7 styles. For a fuller description of where the model comes from go to Background. All of us have all 7 in our personality - between 2 and 4 of them will be strong in adults; some will be weak; and some will be average. This combination of styles is one of the major factors in determining our temperament - or how we see the world. Psychologists tell us that these styles or drives are responsible for about 90% of our non-rational behaviour. In other words we do the things we do, and how we do them, because of these styles. See Combinations for an idea of how they might combine in one person.
The styles are:
The N - Normal
A person with a 'strong N' will have a drive for Social Approval and Order. They will want to fit in with what other people are doing, for example, checking the dress code before going to a party. They will be mature, responsible, controlled and unemotional. You'll recognise them as they may be dressed formally and will address you formally. They want to be 'neat and tidy' both in dress and in the way they organise their homes and offices. If you listen to their language you'll hear the words 'should' 'ought' and 'logical'. They set high standards for themselves and others - both those they live with and those they work with.
The H - Hustler
A person with a 'strong H' will have a drive for Material Success. This means enjoying money and the things that money will buy. The H is quick, opportunistic, shrewd, entrepreneurial, and charming. This person has a 'nose' for a deal and they'll quickly work out if you can help them do the deal or not. They're also short-term - they want results now, or very soon. Promising an H a significant financial reward next year will probably not interest them. They are very loyal to their own families and team. But mostly they're loyal to themselves and they will work hard to make sure they get what they believe they're entitled to.
The M - Mover
The person with the 'strong M' has a drive to Communicate. This actually means chatting - about people, fun, events, what you did at the weekend - in fact anything to do with life. You'll easily recognise the strong M by their smile which is easy, warm and frequent. They're the ones to organise the party and in business they'll pick up the phone to people they don't know. Impulsive, excitable, distractible and impatient are features of the strong M. Often late to meetings, because they were busy on the phone to a friend perhaps, everyone will forgive them because of their genuinely good-humoured apology.
The D - Double Checker
The strong D is characterised by their wanting to take care of people. They want to make sure you're ok - have you got the right refreshments, are you warm enough etc. Their drive is for Security. To make sure that everyone is safe. When you meet a strong D be prepared for someone who's dutiful, loyal and concerned to do the right thing. They want to get it right. Which can be difficult because who's to say what is right? So they like to take their time with decisions, and they'll ask for other people's thoughts and experiences before they decide. One of their great strengths is being able to see the problems ahead.
The A - Artist
The person with the strong A has a drive to Create. "I want to be different" might be their cry. Creativity, sensitivity, and being happy with their own company are all characteristics of the strong A. Ideas come aplenty to this person - ideas about anything and everything. Though most of the time the strong A will not action the ideas - it needs to be finished first! These are good workers who are conscientious and don't want to upset anyone. Intermittent eye-contact is likely to be a clue to the strong A when you meet them. Also watch for something different about their dress - maybe the creative earrings, cufflinks or the 6 button jacket!
The P - Politician
The strong P has a drive to Win. This is characterised by a strong handshake and direct eye contact. This person has a strength and a determination that some of the other styles may find difficult to deal with. Indecision is an anathema to the strong P. Ask these people where they're going in life or what you should do next and there'll be no hesitation from them. Delighted to be asked their opinion, these people will quickly tell you what they think. The spoken word is the P's stock in trade. Assertive, opinionated and direct - look out for the status symbols - the big Mercedes in metallic blue, perhaps.
The E - Engineer
The person with a strong E style has a drive to complete projects. Process, detail and method are characteristics of the strong E. This person makes lists of lists! The great thing about the strong E is that they can form a plan as soon as look at something. And what's more they can make it happen. They'll need time of course, because they'll want to follow the process, and this may be frustrating for some others who want to take a short-cut. The E cares about finishing things. So you'd better not get in the way unless you can help! People are important for what they know and how they can help with the current project.
Combinations of styles
We all have a combination of styles in our personality - some styles will be strong, some medium and some weak. Any combination is possible -typically an adult will have between 2 and 4 styles as strong. Here are some typical examples:
HMP combination
For example, a salesperson or business-person might have a combination of strong HMP (Hustler, Mover and Politician). This means that the person is opportunistic and looking for deals (H), happy to create friendly relationships with other business-people (M), and the strength and direction to achieve results in the long term (P).
NDE combination
Another example is a general medical practitioner, scientist or senior administrator who might have a combination of NDE (Normal, Double-Checker and Engineer). This means that, as a doctor for example, he or she is formal and appropriate (N), genuinely concerned for the health and welfare of the patients (D), and prepared to do the research to discover what might be wrong with the patient and how to treat it (E).
MDA combination
An example of MDA (Mover, Double-Checker and Artist) could be someone who works in admin or as support staff. This combination is genuinely people-focused - the Mover (M)wants to be recognised and liked, the Double-Checker (D) cares about people and the Artist (A) is sensitive to others. This combination suggests that this person may not want to be 'in charge' of the organisation but is happy to support others who make the major decisions.
Any combination will work for any role
And we know senior business-people who have strong NDA or MDA in their personality; doctors who are HMP; and top salespeople who are DAE, so there are no exclusions. Each of us is individual. This way of working with combinations is a way of anticipating the strong styles of people whom you are about to meet. And of course, as soon as you meet them you will be able to judge whether your prediction was correct. That's the beauty of the Empathy Styles approach because it allows you to intelligently anticipate someone's strong style before the meeting and then on meeting quickly recognise the actual strong styles of individuals and work with that.